Getting dental implants is a lengthy and complex procedure that can span over the course of several months. Every step of this process requires a bit of preparation to get yourself and your body ready for the procedure.
If you're about to undergo dental implant surgery, following these tips can help your procedure go smoothly:
Dental implants involve advanced technology and superior materials, but these aren't the only reasons they have an astonishing 98% success rate. Dentists also conduct very comprehensive dental exams to make sure a patient is a good candidate for this treatment.
Dr. Sam Schmidt will evaluate your oral health, review your medical history, and take x-rays to make a personalized treatment plan. Based on this assessment, he may recommend additional treatments and procedures, such as antibiotics, bone grafting, gum reshaping, and so on.
During these appointments, you will also discuss anesthetic and sedation options. If you are allergic to any of the sedatives or anesthetics used, Dr. Schmidt will have to consider alternative options to ensure a comfortable and positive experience.
Your medical history will reveal a lot about how your body may react to the implant and the steps the dentist needs to take to ensure a successful outcome.
If you have a mild or moderate case of gingivitis, in addition to a thorough dental cleaning, the dentist may also recommend a course of antibiotics to fight the infection.
Antibiotics may also be recommended if you have a chronic condition or if you have a weak immune system.
Smoking is one of the main causes of gum disease in adults. If this habit has already affected your gum tissue and you are now in the process of getting an implant, you may want to stop smoking for a while before and after the surgery.
Smoking as well as alcohol can dry your mouth. A dry mouth is a more favorable place for bacteria, which can increase your risk of infection.
Smoking can also affect the osseointegration process and increase your risk of implant failure by more than 15%.
Depending on the type of sedation used, you may need to fast for 6 to 8 hours before the implant surgery.
We get that you are both excited and nervous about the implant surgery, but try to remember that this is a very safe, very successful treatment.
If possible, take the day before and after the procedure off to give your mind and body some downtime.
Get in touch with the team at Dental Studio 920 and ask us any questions you may have about dental implants.
You can write to us online or just call us directly at (920) 399-0428 and schedule an appointment to find out if implants are right for you.